You must be really bored!
It's amazing you even ended up here - but I applaud you for your extremely thorough approach to diving into my website. Since you seem to have some time on your hands, feel free to read some of the meaningless jargon below...
Information collected
I only collect the information you share with me intentionally – via the Contact forms on the site or via some of the other sites I link to.
If you’re a vendor trying to sell me something, I promise I WON’T collect your information. I’ll probably toss it in the bin as quickly as you enter it in one of the forms. If you think you have something to share that might really be valuable, try providing something of value to me or to my partners or clients, or get a referral from someone I know and trust.

Use of information

Use of cookies
The only cookies I care about are Oatmeal Scotchies which my grandma used to make when I was a kid. I could eat myself into a coma with those things and some ice cold milk. I also like the chocolate-cinnamon chip cookies or the peanut-butter-nutella cookies from the local soda shop. If faced with a store-bought option only, I’d go for the Golden Oreos over the traditional, or Nutter Butters over Chips Ahoy. Call me crazy, but I also still love the original Mother’s brand Iced Animal cookies. I could kill a bag of those things without blinking. I hope that clears up my position on Cookies.